Sunday, April 21, 2013

Three Views of the San Francisco Peaks

It's April, and spring has a firm foothold in Arizona. Yet still the San Francisco Peaks are capped with snow. Break out the sweaters and the hot comfort food, and let's enjoy the last remnants of winter! Today, we made a trip to Meteor Crater (more photos to come) and I wanted to capture three different views of the San Francisco Peaks. The one above was taken while in Flagstaff, and the other two are near Meteor Crater, capturing the San Francisco Peaks from a distance. From far away, the mountains look ethereal, insubstantial, practically unreal. Today was a very good day, an opportunity to enjoy a beautiful part of my adopted home state that I don't get to see often enough. I hear Flagstaff now has some excellent art galleries. One day I will have to get back there and explore.

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