Saturday, April 27, 2013

Meteor Crater, AZ

The name of the place says it all. Meteor Crater, AZ, just east of Flagstaff and west of Winslow, is a large crater made from the impact of a meteor striking the earth at 26,000 miles per hour approximately 50,000 years ago. I have been wanting to see this for a few years now and just made it there last weekend. Unfortunately, I don't think the picture above adequately conveys the magnitude of the crater's breadth and depth. This is no ordinary hole in the ground; this is HUGE. According to the official guides at the site, Meteor Crater is one of the best preserved meteor-impact craters in the world.  

There is nothing unusual in the close-up photographs of Meteor Crater's rim; it just gave me an opportunity to take detailed pictures of beautiful desert rock.

As the caption above states, this meteorite is one of the largest discovered meteor fragments ever discovered. It is definitely otherworldly in appearance.

Check it out: Meteor Crater, AZ

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