Sunday, April 28, 2013

Message in a Mural

Today, I made a trip to the Roosevelt Row district of downtown Phoenix, the subject of an earlier post focusing on urban art. It's a great up-and-coming area where art galleries, boutiques, restaurants, and coffeehouses are cropping up, along with a very cool used bookstore named Lawn Gnome and a beautiful urban garden. One of the defining features of this neighborhood are the creative wall murals that decorate the area. I took several photos today, but I am feeling lazy and a new episode of Mad Men will be starting soon. And so, let's just start with this colorful mural with the message, "Art saves lives." Indeed, art has the great power to heal and to restore. Few things inspire me more than a compelling poem, other than great music and a trip to the art museum. Art heals, art restores, art saves...sometimes the most profound truths are those that are stated simply. Enjoy!

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