Sunday, July 22, 2012

More Botanical Details

By happenstance, I found these photos I took a couple of years ago at the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, AZ. Just for the sake of adding another something beautiful to the blog, I thought I would include them here.

Aloe vera blooming

Unknown to many people, aloe vera, when matured, bear beautiful blooms like these. The typical household plant variety usually gets yellow blooms, shaped like these flowers, but there are actually a wide variety of aloe vera to choose from, including a type with tiger striped foliage. Very. Cool. Stuff.

Agave and yucca thriving together

What I love about desert flora is its knack for creating drama. Both agave and yucca grow to be quite large and their spiky foliage really makes a statement.

Chihuly blue orb
Chihuly's glass artwork is beautiful to see, by day and by night. This blue orb is simply amazing and brings a refreshing sense of coolness to the desert heat.

A hill of saguaro
The iconic cactus of the American Southwest, the saguaro is beautiful and slow-growing. I have yet to have the opportunity to photograph them in spring bloom. They get these incredibly large, impressively surreal white flowers.

Cactus detail

To be honest, I have no idea what type of cactus this large specimen is; I was just amazed by its great abundance of limbs. Simply beautiful to see.

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