Sunday, April 7, 2013

Another Jeep Tour in Sedona

Today, I made an excursion to Sedona to take another Jeep tour of the area's backroad beauty. The tour itself was excellent. Our tour guide was friendly, conversational, and, most important, fully knowledgeable. My only regret was the weather, with an indecisive sun that couldn't resolve to either stay hidden behind clouds or slip out into blue sky and bathe the high desert with light. That compromised the quality of some of the photographs, or so I feel. But here is a collection of some of the best from today's batch. I hope you enjoy them.

This backroad grants access to a number of hiking trails that provide incredible views of the area.

I love the jagged quality of the red rock on this mountain.

Nothing instills in you a sense of awe like the wide open space of the Arizona desert!

The light rock on top of the red rock is simply stunning. Okay, I must admit that I haven't retained the vast majority of detailed information our tour guide shared with us. I was simply entranced by the beauty of the red rocks and my camera kept calling for my attention.

The photo above, along with the two below, were not part of the Jeep tour. They were photos I took at a scenic view as we drove towards Oak Creek Village and to the interstate that would take us back to Phoenix. But how could I resist stopping to enjoy this?

This might be my favorite photo from this batch. Such a sense of distance, with the desert spread out far beyond, and such a sense of magnitude, with the giant outcrop of red rocks punctuating the distance. I never tire of Sedona's beauty. It makes me proud to be an Arizonan!

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