Saturday, December 21, 2013

Ice Sculptures in Milwaukee, WI

Posted here due to popular request, these ice sculptures graced the sidewalks of Milwaukee, WI, last weekend.  I am a little envious of people who can chisel away at an unstable element like ice and come out with a beautiful work of art.  I confess I find the body-less legs and pelvis, above, to be a little macabre, but let's assume the shock value it possesses compels people to pause and not take their surroundings for granted.

The horse, above, is my favorite.

This Native American gazes out upon the pedestrian traffic.

Chiseled in ice.


  1. Yes...Another round of dazzling photos! Beautiful pictures of both Chicago and Milwaukee in all of their icy splendor. Are you missing frozen days in Arizona? I would love to see a Christmas in Phoenix series as well! :)

  2. I will do my best in the future to get a Christmas in Arizona series for this blog. Phoenix could be wonderful, but I hear Christmas decorations in Prescott are truly magical.
