Saturday, December 21, 2013

Goodbye to an Old Friend

Dominick's Finer Foods of Chicago is going out of business.  A local Chicago grocery chain, it was later acquired by Safeway.  I don't have the fondest memories of going to my Dominick's in Edgewater towards the end of my time living in Chicago, but it's the grocery chain my family frequented the most when I was a kid.  Dominick's used to sell one of my mother's favorite cakes, a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and a cherry plopped centrally on top, and the sides covered with chopped green pistachio nuts.  It took me a long time to get over the green pistachio nuts in order to try the cake and find out that I liked it.  Oh well, things change and things come to pass.  Farewell, old friend.  

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