Thursday, May 9, 2013

"Release" in Downtown Phoenix

For many years I have been curious about this statue, located at the light rail stop on Central Avenue, just off of Roosevelt. I always assumed that this was an interpretation of the mythical phoenix bird, the very symbol of the city that bears its name.  But it is not. Little did I know, until now, that this statue carries a very different message. "Release the Fear" suggests that we can overcome our fears, even reclaim things that can hurt us and regenerate them as part of something larger that can inspire us and help us to rise above. I like that this statue was cast from confiscated weapons. If only people would lay down their weapons and contribute the material towards the creation of awe-inspiring art. Make art, not war; inspire others, regard them with compassion, and cause no harm.


  1. Thanks for the post. I appreciate the meaning of "Release the Fear".

  2. I would like very much to see this sculpture! It is beautiful in a disturbing sort of just seems to be perfect in it's conception, inspired. The massive weight of the metal at the bottom as it erupts from the Earth, weapons still clinging tenaciously to it, chaos...then the metal becomes lighter, cleaner, and freer as an abstracted human figure spills into the sky. I would also like to thank you for this post. Thought-provoking, to say the least. Confiscated weapons??? Wow.
