Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Taking Time

Taking it slow in Bisbee, AZ
This is another photo I took in Bisbee last Sunday. Painted on a rock wall, it is instructing drivers to slow down, especially as they approach the upcoming turn in the road. However, I choose to read the instruction more expansively, taking it as advice to slow down and appreciate how far I have come in just a short time. Just six months ago, I was still in my hometown of Chicago, eager to move back to Arizona but dreading the thought of starting the packing process, and feeling overwhelmed by all the Chicago sights that I wanted to capture in photography for memory's sake, and for this blog. In just a short amount of time, I have made a major cross-country move back to the desert and I am settling in, even finally getting an opportunity to visit Boulder, CO, where I had promised to return for the last fourteen years. I have accomplished a lot, and so maybe it would be good to slow down, step back, and take an appreciative view of all that has been achieved. How often do we slow down in the frenetic busyness of our lives to step back and appreciate how far we've come and all that we currently have? How often do we just stop to enjoy life happening in front of us, the beauty of mountains rising into sky, the spectacular display of sunset in the desert. Maybe we could all benefit from making the word "slow" a mantra in our everyday lives, at least using it once in a while throughout our busy days.

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