Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Boulder Farmers Market

Yes, I know: there is nothing unusual about a farmers market; people have them everywhere. Still, there is something so Boulder about a farmers market: the selling of organic, locally grown produce and other locally made food stuffs. And, hey, there is even a local vendor here who makes organic granola, and you can't get more Boulder than that. Anyway, I love farmers markets, the colorfulness of the produce, the sense of freshness, and the idea of purchasing something grown in local soil. A farmers market is even more appealing in autumn, when you can't help but entertain notions of harvest bounty. Anyway, here are just some choice photos of the farmers market I enjoyed last weekend in Boulder, CO.

Here, guys are roasting chiles, New Mexico style, just like when I lived in Santa Fe. There is nothing more appetizing than the smoky scent of chiles roasting on an open fire. To this day, whenever I smell chiles being roasted, I am brought home to the season of autumn.

Again, nothing is more rich than the variety of colors you encounter in the produce sold at farmers markets. Just beautiful.

Is anything more autumnal than the selling of squash? Here, the season just comes alive.

Of course, I had to get a photo of the large sunflowers bringing festive light to an otherwise dreary gray day.

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