Saturday, August 25, 2012

On the Road, Part One

The road trip to Phoenix from Chicago was a long one, but also a rewarding one in terms of sights seen. I have always loved road trips, especially through some of the states that were part of this journey. Because of being pressed for time, I didn't have much of an opportunity to do any proper sightseeing, so many of these photos were taken through a front windshield when I was seated on the passenger side of a moving car. This is my longwinded way of apologizing for the quality of some of these photos, which is not consistently ideal. However, I did the best I could, and some came out remarkably good, all things considered. I chose to include some photos because they represent the best of the bunch, while others I chose, even if they weren't of the best quality, because I journeyed through middle America, and some things must be seen to be believed. Yes, heartland America can be an interesting place. I will group the photos of this series chronologically by state. I forgot to take photos of rural Illinois, but I think we will all survive the deprivation. At any rate, here is the first batch.


On the outskirts of Rolla, Missouri
I have always found the wooded areas of Missouri to be incredibly beautiful, especially with all the forests of oak trees.

A beautiful day on the road!

There are mountains in Missouri. After all, it is Ozark country!

And this is what gives me pause about Missouri: I was reminded right here that I had arrived in Bible Belt Country. There are signs throughout Missouri, and some of the other states I traveled through, that aggressively promote a Christian message. Maybe such sights just make me feel out of place in my surroundings. After all, I don't suppose I would find a synagogue in these parts of the country!

Again, Missouri is such a beautiful state!


I have often viewed Oklahoma as one of the gateways to the West. In the east, similar to Missouri, there is a lot of forested land, but as you work your way west those forests recede, giving way to farms and ranches, preparing you for the Texas pandhandle.

Yes, the start of Big Sky Country! Just beautiful!

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