Sunday, January 27, 2013

Back to the Rhythm of Rain

Desert Rain, Phoenix, AZ
The break earlier that brought us the rainbow ended with a return to rain. I couldn't resist going out and about to enjoy the weather. Under shelter, I took this photo of rain coming in from South Mountain. Simply beautiful, this rain and mist reminds me of my trips to the Pacific Northwest, most recently my trip to Portland to meet a longtime friend, who took a train in from Seattle while I flew in from Chicago. I remember one evening when the two of us walked out of Portland's legendary Powell's Bookstore, only to encounter another onslaught of rain after a brief pause. I love the rain, its gray gloom, its chill, when you can get it in Phoenix, and the soft, steady rhythm of its fall upon concrete and asphalt. Living in the desert, I enjoy getting this visual break from days of seemingly endless sun, soothing dark days that provide their own sense of pause for reading, reflection, and relaxation.

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