Monday, September 24, 2012

Sedona Hiking Trail

Sedona, AZ
Here are some of my favorite photos from the batch I took yesterday while on one of Sedona's hiking trails. Like I said in an earlier post, the day fluctuated between gray clouds and sunlight. I really love the visual drama that is created by red rocks being illuminated by sunlight beneath a clear blue sky, but it just was not meant to be yesterday. Oh well, it was a brilliant day, all the same, and there is always next time. Enjoy!

Red earth, dead tree, Sedona, AZ
I took this photo to highlight two bits of beauty, the red, rocky earth and the bare, twisted trunk of a dead tree, both signature features of Sedona, AZ.

Red rock formation, Sedona, AZ
 Look familiar?

Bell Rock in the deep distance, Sedona, AZ
 Bell Rock, in the distance on the right, is an iconic rock formation of Sedona, AZ.

Dead tree, Sedona, AZ
Yes, I love dead trees. Rest assured, I also love living trees. But there is a singular drama to a bare, dead tree standing in the midst of so much beautiful life, especially in the arid desert. It gives us a more complete understanding of the full cycle of life. Hauntingly beautiful.

Sedona red rock Sedona, AZ
"Rhino Rock," Sedona, AZ
Here is a fuller portrait of my "Rhino Rock," one of my favorite Sedona red rock formations.

Red rock and distance, Sedona, AZ 
Red earth and pine, Sedona, AZ 
Red earth and wild flowers, Sedona, AZ
I love the red, rocky earth accompanied by the tiny yellow blooms of wildflowers. And, look!, here is a patch of blue sky. And there will be more next time. Until then....

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