Saturday, September 22, 2012

Art and Utility in Mesa, AZ

Bus stop gazebo, Mesa, AZ
There are several spots throughout the Valley where Valley Metro, the area's mass transit service, offers some beautiful, artsy bus stop features. This gazebo on Southern Avenue, at the north end of Mesa Community College, is one of them. It has a nice look, with metallic leaf accents strewn along the exterior. Art that serves a purpose. Why not make things we need to use in our everyday lives, such as sun-cover at a bus stop, into something artful and extraordinary?

Rose garden, Mesa Community College, Mesa, AZ
Behind the bus stop lies Mesa Community College's rose garden, where colorful botanical beauty showcases the campus.

Public benches, Mesa Community College, Mesa, AZ
These public benches, next to the gazebo bus stop, lie within a domed metal exterior and continue the artful botanical theme. They weave the bus stop and the rose garden together quite nicely.

Rose garden, Mesa Community College, Mesa, AZ
Just some of the roses blooming and thriving in the rose garden.

Rose garden, Mesa Community College, Mesa, AZ
Many trees in the rose garden are mature, offering a cool, shady respite from the sunny desert heat.

Clock tower, Mesa Community College, Mesa, AZ
The clock tower on Mesa Community College's Dobson campus is a campus landmark.

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