Thursday, August 9, 2012

Cloaked in Clouds

Chicago cloaked in clouds

This afternoon, after I made a visit to the Driehaus Museum (photos to come), a friend and I had lunch downtown, then we walked along Lake Michigan and enjoyed the light winds that stirred up waves on the Lake. This photo is the entire Chicago skyline cloaked in clouds, while the bottom one focuses more on the John Hancock Center and its immediate surroundings. These beautiful, moody days of brooding gray sky and rain are an acquired taste. Many people shun gray weather in favor of sun and "happy" days, but I happen to like days when you can take a walk and brave the elements, then return home to read or cook a warm, comforting dinner of soup. Well, it's still summer, so no need to go overboard with the "braving the elements" theme, but there is something to be said for the beauty of days that we casually shun as ugly. Maybe we just need to be patient and look more closely.

John Hancock Center and gray sky, Chicago, IL

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