Monday, July 30, 2012

Milwaukee Excursion, Part Two: Downtown, Vol. One

This next series of photos will focus mainly on downtown Milwaukee architecture.

Front, Milwaukee Public Market, Milwaukee, WI

Viewing the selection of spices, inside of Milwaukee Public Market, Milwaukee, WI
Milwaukee Public Market reminds me of Seattle's Pike Public Market in miniature. Here, you can buy freshly baked breads, Wisconsin cheeses (of course!), gourmet chocolates, and, my favorite, a variety of gourmet spices from the Spice House. The Spice House, which also has locations in Chicago and Evanston, IL, just rocks! I like the Milwaukee Iron Seasoning, which is a chipotle-style blend, and they sell several varieties of cinnamon powder, with each having a very distinct scent. Very cool! At Milwaukee Public Market, you can also order Middle Eastern food from a restaurant located on the first floor or, at the opposite end, fresh seafood, among other culinary options. The second floor balcony is reserved for seating, although sometimes the work of local artists might be featured there. Produce and other items are occasionally sold outside, too. I remember my first autumn living back in Chicago, I took a trip to Milwaukee, and the first batch of McIntosh apples I encountered (and bought) that season were being sold outside of Milwaukee Public Market. I used them to make an excellent fresh applesauce. Milwaukee Public Market is located in the historic Third Ward, which offers a nice selection of restaurants, galleries, boutiques, and nostalgia stores.

Check it out: Milwaukee Public Market

Colorful lanterns, Milwaukee Public Market, Milwaukee, WI
Yes, I know you can find colorful lanterns hanging at any number of places, but I thought they were cool and so you need to see them, at least until you scan down to the next photograph!

Historic building, Milwaukee, WI
I don't know what this building once was, but I just thought it was beautiful. As you can see, it now houses a pizza and steak joint that I have never visited. This is just north of Milwaukee Public Market.

Building detail, Milwaukee, WI

Two beautifully ornate buildings, Milwaukee, WI
I don't know what the front building is, but it is beautifully crafted. The second, equally beautiful building in back is or was the chamber of commerce. There is actually a very rusty skyway that connects these two buildings.

Ornate building, Milwaukee, WI
Just incredible, almost baroque in its elaborate ornamentation.

Ornate building, Milwaukee, WI

Window detail, Milwaukee, WI
This window is part of the first building above. The greatest difficulty I had in taking photos of these beautiful, highly ornate buildings was deciding on where to focus my camera.

Old Bank of Milwaukee Building, Milwaukee, WI

Entrance of Bank of Milwaukee Building, Milwaukee, WI

Very cool post-modern building rising behind the old architecture, Milwaukee, WI
There is a building in Chicago, on LaSalle Street, I believe, that looks very similar to this building. Looking like a house at the top, it's some type of post-modern hodgepodge that turned out to be pretty cool-looking.

Very cool building rising in the background, Milwaukee, WI
Okay, I confess, my perception of things was oddly crooked yesterday!

City Hall, Milwaukee, WI
I was in love with Milwaukee's City Hall the first moment I saw it. Just beautiful!

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